What To Expect

What to Expect

We’re so glad you will be joining us for worship! Please know that you are welcome at either our Saturday service at 5:00 PM or Sunday at 9:30 AM.

What does Saturday and Sunday worship look like?

A typical Saturday or Sunday worship service consists of prayer, music, and a Biblical message that’s intended to connect with your life and speak to your worries, concerns, hopes and dreams.

Holy Communion

We celebrate Holy Communion most Sundays and two times a month on Saturdays. Everyone is invited to the Lord’s Table by Christ himself. And so, no matter if you’ve come seldom or if you come often, the table is always set for you. In addition to homemade bread and wine, gluten free wafers and grape juice are available, as well.

Come As You Are

The goal of worship is for you to feel like you encountered the living Christ. We absolutely don’t worry about what we wear to church. Some people like to dress up. That’s okay. Some people prefer to be casual. That’s okay too. We truly want you to come as you are. We want you to be yourself and to know that no matter where you are on your journey, you are always welcome here!

Our Sanctuary

Our sanctuary is decked out in beautiful paraments, which are the colorfully woven, ornamental cloths hanging at the front of the sanctuary on the walls and on the altar table and pulpit.

Learn more about the amazing fabric art in our sanctuary.

Would you like to help with worship?